Early Learning Centre Loganholme

We pride ourselves on being passionate about early childhood education and play based learning.

Our Centre’s aim is to extend and compliment the home environment and to work in partnership with families in providing quality care and education for all children. We have a vegetable garden where the children assist in the planting and caring for, providing us with fresh food. We also provide the children in our care with nutritious, fresh meals each day. We have a small sports outdoor program encouraging physical activity and development, and our Queensland Government-approved Kindergarten Program is delivered by an Early Childhood-qualified teacher.

We believe all children have the right to an Education that maximises their ability, and respects their family, cultural and other identities and languages. We use children’s evolving ideas and interests, to assess, anticipate and extend children’s learning. Spontaneous ‘teachable moments’ are used to scaffold children’s learning. As a dedicated team, we will work in collaborative ways to share our knowledge and expertise. Our centre aims to create an indoor/outdoor environment that is natural, inviting, inclusive and rich in possibilities. Children care for our vegetable gardens by watering, planting new seeds and considering what plants need to grow. Our environment reflects the children, the local community, Educators and families that use the service.
